Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweetest Faces EVER? Maybe...

I've seen some pretty sweet faces in my life... Here are just a few of the sweet faces that Taisha, our Seed, and myself are capable of making... :) I'm sure that you are very jealous... If you are interested in lessons on making sweet faces Paxten will take you on as a client for a penny an hour. He works cheap and is very good at it! He also works for playtime at the park, playing legos w/ him, and cuddling in the middle of the summer when you don't want to be cuddled because it's a million degrees outside and you're already sweating... Who's face is the sweetest? You decide.


Elaine said...

I must admit those are some pretty sweet faces. I think Taisha wins but Pax come in a close second and JJ, well, HOOK is just scary. I think he scares the small children and gma lain.

Em said...

That last picture of you looks kinda like the egg man bawhahahaha.